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SPARK on the Circle in 2024

SPARK on the Circle in 2024

More than 70,000 visitors enjoyed family friendly, fun, relaxing, and artful entertainment right in the heart of Indianapolis in 2024 as part of SPARK on the Circle.

This collaboration between Big Car Collaborative, Downtown Indy, and the City of Indianapolis Department of Metropolitan Development once again created a much-enjoyed restorative public place where people of all walks of life relaxed, played, socialized, and engaged with art and artists — all for free.

In 2024, SPARK ran from June 1 until Nov. 4 (and through Dec. 22 for the holiday version) from 11 a.m. to sunset on the northwest quadrant of Monument Circle in Downtown Indianapolis.

This marked the fourth year of project, with 2023, 2022, and 2015 version preceding it.

Here are some highlights from our 2024 data collection at SPARK:

  • Hosted more than 71,969 visitors
  • Offered 270 program opportunities
  • Had 420 average daily visitors
  •  8,259 postcards were mailed for free all around the world from SPARK
  • 99% of visitors felt welcomed at the Circle
  • 62% of visitors had a conversation with someone new at SPARK
  • 89% of visitors felt better mentally after visiting
  • SPARK paid 162 artists a total of $333,800 for their work on the Circle

Check out the full SPARK 2024 report here.

In addition, SPARK won two awards in 2024: The People’s Choice Award from the Indy Chamber’s Monumental Awards and Accelerate Indiana Municipalities’s Aim Placemaking Award. Watch the videos for the Monumental Award here and the Aim Placemaking award here.

In 2024, SPARK extended its stay on the Circle with Holidays on the Circle every Saturday and Sunday from Nov. 30 through December 22. Over 6,300 visitors enjoyed meeting Santa and Mrs. Claus, live musical performances, sending letters to the North Pole, and hot chocolate from the container café.

Taylor Swift weekend — in coordination with the star’s November Indianapolis performances — yielded SPARK’s biggest turnout for the season with more than 10,000 visitors. Patrons made friendship bracelets, created specially-themed postcards, helped fiber artist Mary Jo Bayliss create a collaborative pom-pom artwork, enjoyed live music, got Taylor-themed face paint, and played fun games.

In addition, SPARK hosted a month of late nights during Thursdays in October. Open until 10 p.m., visitors experienced additional fun experiences like a printmaking worksop, bubble activities, live music, a screening of a live audiovisual poem, Boot Scoot line dancing, and more.

Several local artists offered free workshops to SPARK visitors. These activities and artists include:

Every Wednesday, SPARK hosted “Lunch Break Live” — sponsored by Lake City Bank — performances from noon to 1 p.m. These performances supported local musicians including:

Other significant events and activities that happened include:

Thank you to all of the wonderful artists, visitors, partners, and funders who helped make SPARK on the Circle 2024 happen.

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SPARK: Holidays on the Circle 2024!

SPARK: Holidays on the Circle 2024!

Following Circle of Lights®, SPARK: Holidays on the Circle will feature themed musical performances and appearances from Santa Claus within the northwest bollards of Monument Circle every Saturday and Sunday from 4-8 p.m. Nov. 30 through December 22. During SPARK festivities, hot coco and coffee will be available for purchase from the Container Café. SPARK is made possible byBig Car Collaborative, Downtown Indy, Inc, and the Indianapolis Department of Metropolitan Development with support from the Capital Improvement Board and the Indiana War Memorials Commission.

The performance schedule is as follows, each from 5-6pm:

  • Saturday, Nov. 30 – Cathy Morris – Electric Violin
  • Sunday, Dec. 1 – Mina Keohane – Keyboard
  • Saturday, Dec. 7 – Indianapolis Opera 
  • Sunday, Dec. 8 – Indianapolis Opera 
  • Saturday, Dec. 14 – Outside the Box Choir
  • Sunday, Dec. 15 – Freetown Village
  • Saturday, Dec. 21 – Adam Shuntich 
  • Sunday, Dec. 22 – The Missing No’s

Find the full holiday schedule at CircleSpark.org/calendar.

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Taylor Swift Weekend at SPARK!

Taylor Swift Weekend at SPARK!

Get ready for an amazing weekend full of fun in celebration of Taylor Swift’s much-anticipated visit to Indianapolis!

SPARK will be hosting free events and activities Friday Nov. 1, Saturday Nov. 2, and Sunday Nov. 3 for the whole family.

Events include:

  • Helping local artist Mary Jo Bayliss with a collaborative Swiftie-themed installation artwork
  • Decorating & mailing locally-designed Taylor-themed postcards anywhere in the world for free
  • Making + trading friendship bracelets
  • Vibing to live music
  • Playing fun games
  • Getting themed face paint
  • and more!

Find the full weekend schedule here.

Follow @SparkPlaces on Instagram for more.










1. Taylor Swift postcard designed by SPARK Artist Lauren Pontenberg

2. Part of Mary Jo Bayliss’ collaborative Taylor Swift themed installation artwork

3. Taylor Swift postcard designed by SPARK Artist Katie Faust

4. Face painting at SPARK

5. Part of the design of Mary Jo Bayliss’ collaborative Taylor Swift themed installation artwork

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Late Nights at SPARK!

Late Nights at SPARK!

SPARK on the Circle will be open until 10pm for “Late Nights at SPARK” every Thursday from Oct. 3 to Oct. 24, 2024!

Late night Thursdays will have special events and activities, like visits from bubble performer Bubble Jim, film and animation screenings, live music, interactive projects, and more!

The schedule is as follows:

Oct. 3
– 4-6pm: Photo printmaking workshop with SPARK Staff Artist Sarah Montanez Hidalgo
– 6:30-8:30pm: Live WQRT DJ MIX with Averie Chávez of “CoolYum Radio”

Oct. 10
– 4-6pm: Performance from Bubble Jim
– 8-9pm: Screening of “Symbiotic Hum,” a live audiovisual poem by Jessica Dunn and Landon Caldwell

Oct. 17
– 4-6pm: Performance from Bubble Jim
– 8-9pm: Silent movie screening with live score

Oct. 24
– 4-6pm: “As You Wish” project
– 7-10pm: “Boot Scoot” line dancing + music event

We hope to see you there! 🌃🌙

Follow @SparkPlaces on Instagram for updates

SPARK is a partnership between Big Car Collaborative, Downtown Indy, the City of Indianapolis Department of Metropolitan Development, and the Indiana War Memorials Commission, and is funded by the Capital Improvement Board.

At Big Car, we approach our work at the Circle as a site- and community-specific socially engaged art and creative placemaking project. The SPARK on the Circle pop-up park was collaboratively designed with Indianapolis-based Merritt Chase to be a restorative public place where people of all walks of life can relax, play, socialize, and engage with art and artists in the heart of our city.


Guest essay: Close your eyes, listen to a little utopia at SPARK

By Jim Poyser

Indianapolis is growing like mad. As I bike around downtown, I’m getting whiplash from double takes: “Wow, when was THAT built?” It seems structures can appear overnight; many are multi-use buildings, apartments and shops. I feel ambivalent about this growth, excited for my city, but concerned about its character and what might be lost in hell-bent development. 

Fortunately, no new buildings are going to appear on Monument Circle to change its character as the central hub of our city. In fact, thanks to SPARK, the Circle is transformed — for nearly half the year each year — by occupying one quadrant, and turning it into a park, complete with tables, chairs, ping pong tables, building blocks, guided art-making, and other playful amenities. 

On any given day, you’ll see well-dressed business people taking a break from work, tourists looking for a place to rest, and families searching for adventure to occupy their children. It has a “found” quality to it, a pop-up park one might stumble upon when searching for a restaurant or taking a break from a downtown conference. 

For me, each visit to SPARK is an immersion in utopia. Here, all is peaceful and fun. Here, for once, humans won the battle of cars vs. pedestrians. Here, strangers co-exist in a playful space. The roar of the city is quieted; you can sit and read a book, answer emails, or just close your eyes and relax. 

I take children to SPARK. I’m a Director with Earth Charter Indiana, and we’ve been holding climate camps for kids for a decade now. Climate camps teach kids about climate science, along with climate-friendly practices like a vegan diet and hiking outdoors. My favorite camp is my Bus Camp, where for a week each summer, parents drop off their kids at the Julia M. Carson Transit Center, ready for mass transit-fueled adventure. The kids are in the 10-13 years old range. 

We’ll take the #34 to Newfields to enjoy 110 Acres and splash around the White River. We’ll take the Redline to Marott Woods Nature Preserve to study water quality, and then enjoy some ice cream at Brics. We float the White River with Friends of White River, and there’s always the day at the Indianapolis International Airport, taking the #8 to marvel at the sustainability of the built environment amid the surrounding solar fields. 

On many of the Bus Camp days, we return downtown to spend our remaining afternoon time at SPARK. It’s a remarkable experience to bring kids to SPARK, noteworthy not just for how happy the kids are to be there, but how naturally they accept its existence. They take to it like butterflies to milkweed, dispersing to the different activities.

One day this summer, a group of nuns were there, playing ping-pong, and enjoying the environs. I spoke with them: they were visiting Indy for a Catholic conference and had happened upon SPARK. They told me they found SPARK to be a lovely experience, their faces beaming in the sun. One of the nuns played guitar while nearby the Bus Camp kids built a fort of blue blocks. Bus Camp is a celebration of the local, our local watershed or the park system, so a visit to SPARK is the perfect cap to the perfect day. 

Indianapolis can still embody a sweet, small town scene, capable of surprise and delight. In a world disrupted by climate impacts, divisive arguing, destructive technology, there’s an oasis of calm here, a safe space to greet strangers, a halcyon spot to sit and close one’s eyes. Go ahead: Keep those eyes closed. Things aren’t as a bad as they seem after all. In fact things are better than you thought. Listen to the laughter there. Me, you, and utopia, at least for a time. 

Jim Poyser is Director of Advancement at Earth Charter Indiana, and former Managing Editor of NUVO. For more on Bus Camp and other ECI activities, go to earthcharterindiana.org

photos courtesy of Jim Poyser


SPARK in the News – 2024


SPARK on the Circle 2024 is spark-ing conversation! 💥

Check out some of the media coverage of SPARK in 2024:







WFYI, 4/18/2024

Citing last year’s success, Indianapolis officials announce return of SPARK on the Circle 

“The program closes off parts of Monument Circle to vehicles, opening it to foot traffic for arts and culture events.”







FOX 59, 4/18/2024

SPARK on the Circle returns for 2024 season

“For this year’s season, the space will offer expanded programming and hours, including evening additions.”








CBS4, 6/1/2024

Opening weekend for SPARK on the Circle

“SPARK on the Circle is officially back for another big year. Tens of thousands of people had a chance to enjoy this popular downtown feature last year and now the excitement is building for year two.”








WTHR-13, 6/6/2024


“13Sports director Dave Calabro visits SPARK on the Circle during his weekly quest to find some Good News!”







WISH TV, 5/30/2024


“Big Car Collaborative, one of the partner groups of SPARK, has developed a lineup of live music, art classes, and other interactive events for the season.”




Check out @sparkplaces on Instagram for information and updates about SPARK on the Circle!


Find the SPARK event schedule here.


Find the SPARK 2024 press release from Downtown Indy here.


Have questions? Send us an email at [email protected].




SPARK is a partnership between Big Car Collaborative, Downtown Indy, the City of Indianapolis Department of Metropolitan Development, with support from the Indiana War Memorials Commission Capital Improvements Board.It is a continuation of our work in 2023 and in 2015 on the Circle.


At Big Car, we approach our work at the Circle as a site- and community-specific socially engaged art and creative placemaking project. The SPARK on the Circle pop-up park was collaboratively designed with Indianapolis-based Merritt Chase to be a restorative public place where people of all walks of life can relax, play, socialize, and engage with art and artists in the heart of our city. 

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SPARK park back in 2024!

SPARK park back in 2024!

We had a great season at Monument Circle in 2023! SPARK on the Circle is an ongoing partnership between Big Car Collaborative, Downtown Indy, City of Indianapolis Department of Metropolitan Development, the Capital Improvement Board, and the Indiana War Memorials Commission.

SPARK — returning from June until November in 2024 — brings a free, fun, playful, welcoming, and art-filled park to the heart of Indianapolis. Read the press announcement about the 2024 version here.

On Monument Circle, you’ll find comfortable places to sit in the shade, free games to play like ping pong and chess, a cafe serving food and drink, art experiences, and special offerings like live, local music. Big Car Collaborative approaches its aspects of SPARK on the Circle as a site and community specific public art project.

Find our report from 2023 here.

Check out our highlight video from 2023 by Ben Rose


SPARK FEST is back Oct. 28 & 29!

Circle SPARK Fest is a free, two-day fall festival on Oct. 28 and 29 featuring live music by an amazing array of local musicians, delicious food, artisan vendors, and hands-on creative activities led by Indianapolis artists. Activities include pumpkin carving, making pottery, and lots more. The festival, which runs from 11 am until 6 pm each day, takes place at the pop-up park on the southwest quadrant of Monument Circle that has been closed to traffic this summer.

New this year: SPARK Fest’s organizers at Big Car Collaborative and Downtown Indy are teaming up with UbeFest — an event that’s all about the tasty purple yam often used in desserts in Filipino cuisine called ube. UbeFest brings more than 30 food, artist, and unique retail vendors to the Circle for the festival. Many will showcase, among their offerings, a variety of tasty ube-based treats.

Due to forecasted rain, the festival will close early, October 29 at 4 p.m.


Performance schedule

(hosted both days by Tennah):

10/28 Sat

11-11:45 – Nathaniel Russell and Landon Caldwell

12-12:45 – Freetown Village Singers

1-1:45 – Naomi Pulver

2-3 Allison Victoria

3:30-4:30 – D’Classics

5-6 – Bashiri Asad


10/29 Sun

11-11:45 – Fred Miller
11:45-12– Tinikling Cultural Dance (On Monument)
12-12:45 -Tubbles the Band
1-1:45– The Roundups
2-2:45 – Forgotten Tribe
3-3:45– Exceso Rock Band


Activity Schedule (all free to participate):

10/28 Sat

12-5pm Henna with Pam

12-5pm Indy Face Painting

11-6pm Making Pottery with Stephanie Williams

11-6pm Pumpkin Carving

4-6pm Candle Making with Freetown Village


10/29 Sun

12-4pm Henna with Pam
12-4pm Face Painting with Stephanie Zki
11-4pm Derek Tudor Selfie 360 and Mini VanGo
11-4pm Ceramics with Stephanie Williams
11-4pm Pumpkin Carving


SPARKFEST Volunteer Opportunity


– Date: 10/28-10/29

– Time: 11-6pm

– Location: SPARK on Monument Circle


Volunteers will assist with event activities like pumpkin carving and be involved in engaging with visitors. We would like to offer this opportunity for volunteers to get a chance to be involved in a community event and earn valuable event experience.


How to Get Involved:

If you’re interested in volunteering with us, sign up for a time slot with your information. We’ll reach out to you with further details and confirm your volunteer role.

Sign Up Link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C094BAFAA29A4FCC34-45153094-sparkfest


Join us in creating a memorable and impactful event that brings our community together. Your time and dedication can make a real difference.


Meet SPARK Artist in Residence: Brittany Fukushima

SPARK on the Circle has a new Artist in Residence, Brittany Fukushima!
Over the next 10 weeks, Fukushima has plans for works that will be centered around our five senses—focusing on smell. Fukushima has planned an on-going scavenger hunt, working with found materials like leaves, coloring pages and even scratch and sniff stickers. Plans will grow as Fukushima spends time at the Circle. So be sure to continue to check back on circlespark.org as they add to the menu of fun to be had at SPARK on the Circle.
About the artist: Brittany Fukushima is an Indianapolis-based painter and teaching artist who uses their practice to interpret their environment. Drawing and painting become a means to investigate the natural world, express the intangible, and to present alternate ways of seeing. Recently, they have experimented with paint making using foraged pigments. Teaching is an integral part of their process as it keeps them in community and provides fresh perspectives. Brittany currently teaches at the Indianapolis Art Center and is a graduate of Herron School of Art and Design. They have exhibited throughout Indianapolis and Chicago and their work has been featured by Butter, WFYI and Pattern Magazine.
About SPARK on the Circle: This is an inclusive, artist-led, site-specific partnership between Big Car Collaborative, Downtown Indy and The City of Indianapolis for free daily programming, arts activities, games, live entertainment, and recreation. SPARK is made possible by the Capital Improvement Board. Learn more at circlespark.org.
Downtown Indy, Inc. Exists to Enhance and Advance Downtown Indianapolis.